Everything about the Sector Nord AG

Sector Nord AG News & Events

Workshops, Summits and conventions


Service Space 2025





Current tips & news


Braintower SMS Gateway

The Sector Nord AG is now official reseller of Braintower SMS Gateways. Braintower SMS Gateways can be used for SMS notifications from our solution SNAG-View. Adding another method of notification will keep you up-to-date on all major incidents.

Find out more about the new Gateways:

CeBIT 2017

We thank all of the over 250 customers and potential customers for visiting our booth at this year's CeBIT. The exhibition gave us the opportunity to showcase our successful solutions SNAG-View, OTRS, i-doit and NeDI, which generated a great interest. With our master control station, we were able to present all of our solutions live.

We hope to enhance and intensify our relationsship with new and long lasting customers.

Workshop 2016

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

We would like to express our thanks all visitors of the SNAG-View workshop 2016 at the Havana Lounge I Bremen!
All keynotes and photos can be found in our workshop archives.
In addition to this, we would like to express our thanks to our partners Red Hat and Remo Rickli (NeDi) who significantly supported the workshop this year.

Sector Nord AG

Excellence in vocational training

For 15 years, SECTOR NORD AG has helped young people to participate in meaningful vocational training. Due to the high quality of training, all trainees thus far have been able to pass their final exams at the first attempt, and often with very good grades.

This year, Matthias Bouws concluded his apprenticeship with a top grade of "Very Good" and has thus received the award as the best candidate among all aspiring IT specialists systems integration.

Trainee run 2016

After a break of one year, Sector Nord AG again took part in the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) training run. This year, 5 participants tackled the 12 kilometre course around Lake Bad Zwischenahn.

Best practice

Tip of the Month

ITSM Tip of the month

(comments: 0)

Own $USERX$ macros for SNAG-View 3

Additional placeholders for the path to plugins ($USERXXX$) can be integrated very easily in SNAG-View. The following steps are necessary for this:

A new <item> entry must be created in the "resource_cfg.xml".

Note: Be careful not to change or delete existing <item> entries.

Anpassen der


Beispiel $User3$

We currently ship two predefined macros: "$USER1$ and $USER2$". After the change, the macro $USER3$ is available for the path /var/lib/nagios/libexec-customer2.

The script "/usr/bin/createNagiosCfg.sh" is then executed, so that the configuration is saved and saved in the resource.cfg.


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Tips of the month overview.