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Sector Nord AG News

i-doit pro release 1.11

by Andreas Gerliz

Release 1.11 is available for you. All modules of Sector Nord AG are already compatible with the new release of i-doit pro. If you are interested in the new version, please contact us regarding an update or a first installation!

Release Highlights:

Configurable columns in the object browser and the multivalue category lists (and even more!)

Now we have also been able to track the object browser and the lists of the multivalue categories - both functions now also have configurable columns so that exactly the information that is important in the context can be displayed.

Better Object Browser

The object browser has been revised again in handling. In addition to better scaling on small and large displays, the user can now also define which object types are displayed and which object type is selected by default. A separate system setting is provided for this purpose.

...and again the object lists

Here, too, there was room for improvement in terms of user-friendliness: A new user setting allows the object lists to "remember" the filter last used, so that when a new object type is visited, the information looks the same as last time.

Password generation

Passwords can now be generated randomly in the password category. For this there is a separate client setting in which the complexity can be defined.


With i-doit 1.11 you can now optionally search and display archived and deleted objects (client settings). The CMDB Status and Status columns have been added to the results for better display.

Optionally, the whole location path (not only the direct location) can now be included in the search, so that certain buildings or locations can be searched easily.

The search indexing has also been completely revised and now works much faster and less memory intensive.

CSV Import

For the CSV import we have added the object ID for the object matching and especially the e-mail address and the login name for the person assignment.

Report Manager

In the Query Editor you can now use several variable conditions and there is also the possibility to query for time periods in relation to the current date (e.g. "since last week").

In addition, results from Multivalue categories can now be bundled into a single row.

Many new attributes in the object lists

In the object lists we have made some new attributes available, from the beginning to the end of the contract to person memberships and capacities of RAID associations.

All improvements at a glance: 1.11 Changelog