Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition AddOns



AddOn for coloring ticket views by status, affiliation and escalation.

detailed addon description

TicketQueue TreeView

The AddOn replaces the default view of the queues with a tree structure.

detailed addon description

Template Extended AddOn

AddOn to create ready-made templates for ticket processing.

detailed addon description

Recurring Tasks AddOn

Time-controlled creation of tickets to handle recurring tasks in the company.

detailed addon description

TimeLine AddOn

The add-on adds a timeline to the ticket view for a better overview.

detailed addon description

Ticket FAQ Browser

AddOn to quickly search the FAQ and insert FAQ articles.

detailed addon description

Advanced FAQ AddOn

The AddOn adds a new view for the FAQ that is publicly viewable.

detailed addon description

Planning Board

AddOn for the entire organization and resource planning of the company.

detailed addon description

Process Generate ADUser

The AddOn offers the possibility to create users directly via an HR process in LDAP.

detailed addon description

DynamicFieldAD AddOn

AddOn for automatic filling of dynamic fields with data from AD.

detailed addon description

TextSnippets AddOn

AddOn to be able to use predefined text modules in all masks.

detailed addon description

ArticleEdit AddOn

AddOn for subsequent editing of the articles via a separate mask.

detailed addon description

Webform Editor

AddOn for subsequent editing of the articles via a separate mask.

detailed addon description


detailed addon description


For a better overview and a faster identification of tickets we have developed the module Colorize for the Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition.

With the Colorize AddOn the ticket list views can be colored in many different ways. The tickets can be colored in the list views with the module either according to status or according to the membership of a queue. It is possible to change the background color or the font color in the list views. In order to avoid overlaps, the AddOn has a prioritization system which can be used to determine which coloring has priority.

As an application example, the department tickets can be colored differently to make it easier for employees from different departments to identify their tickets. In another case, for example, tickets that are in escalation status can be colored red to highlight the urgency of the ticket.

The AddOn has a simple and intuitive configuration mask in the admin area of the web front end, which allows the configuration and prioritization of the coloring. The colors can be set by selecting them in a color palette or by entering an HTML color code/hex code.

The Colorize AddOn is available for Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6.



purchase price

99,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 7.0.0 - 10.05.2023

  • Migration to Znuny 7

## Version 7.0.1 - 16.05.2023

  • Fixed translations

## Version 7.0.2 - 24.10.2024

  • Feature: Links now have own selectable colour

TicketQueue TreeView

With the AddOn "TicketQueue TreeView" for the Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition, a tree view is added that allows you to replace the default view within the "View by Queues". Within this tree view, all main and sub queues are displayed and the number of tickets is shown right next to them. As soon as a queue is opened, the subqueues are displayed directly, so there is no need to reload the page.

Additionally, there is the possibility to collapse the tree view to save space. Queues can be directly expanded or collapsed with a single click. According to their own preferences, each agent can also deactivate the tree view in their personal settings to return to the standard view.

You can hide empty queues directly for a better overview on larger systems.

The AddOn "TicketQueue TreeView" is for ((OTRS)) Community Edition 5 and the Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6 available.


purchase price

199,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 7.0.2 - 05.04.2024

  • #2 Update keep opened Nodes

## Version 7.0.3 - 08.04.2024

  • #4 Feature: Favorites

## Version 7.1.0 - 11.04.2024

  • #5 Sort Favorites, Imporved Handling of Favorites

Template Extended AddOn

To create extended templates, we recommend the AddOn "Template Extended" for Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition. In contrast to the standard, a number of fields can be preset in these advanced templates: from owner to attachments via dynamic fields. You can choose from different template types: Some can be used for e-mail traffic, while others are used directly for ticket creation.

One use case, for example, is the quick creation of delivery tickets. The configuration includes owner, ticket text, customer number and attachments. On creation, a queue and the template are selected as usual; then all fields are prefilled according to the selection.

In addition, by selecting a workflow, you have the option of "going into" certain steps of a process. So if a template with a certain activity ID is noted, the ticket "jumps" directly into the selected activity or process. This gives you the opportunity to integrate the extended templates into the process management as well.


The AddOn "Template Extended AddOn" is for ((OTRS)) Community Edition 5 and the ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6 available.


purchase price

199,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.


## Version 7.0.0 - 10.05.2023

  • Migration to Znuny 7

## Version 7.0.1 - 16.05.2023

  • Bugfix: Added missing attributes to admin interface

Recurring Tasks Modul

The "Recurring Tasks" module for the Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition extends the existing calendar module with the possibility to create tickets based on appointments. While it was previously only possible to create appointments based on tickets, now, with the help of the "Template Extended" module, tickets can be created based on appointments using templates. The special feature of this method is not only that the content as well as the owner of the ticket to be created can be defined by a template, but also that the tickets are only created on the day of the appointment and therefore a large number of tickets for certain recurring tasks does not have to be created in advance. After creation, the ticket is automatically linked to the underlying appointment.
A use case is, for example, the automatic creation of tickets for checking a backup. If a backup, which was started automatically on the weekend, has to be checked every Monday and the check has to be documented by the respective agent, a recurring appointment can be created for every Monday using the "Recurring Tasks" module. The "Recurring Tasks" module now checks on Monday whether an appointment exists and with which template the appointment is linked. Using the template "Backup", the module creates a ticket from this appointment on Monday and displays the data such as queue, owner, status, etc. on this basis. Now the ticket can be edited and closed after the backup has been checked.


The Template Extended module is AddOn for the operation of this AddOn.

The AddOn "Recurring Tasks" is for ((OTRS)) Community Edition 5 and the Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6 available.


purchase price

199,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 7.0.0 - 18.09.2023

  • Update to 7.0.10

## Version 7.0.1 - 19.09.2023

  • Bugfix: Delete Appointments

## Version 7.0.2 - 19.09.2023

  • Added additional JS file

TimeLine AddOn

The "TimeLine" module for the Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition adds a new timeline to the existing ticket view, recording all previous events such as ticket and note creation, queue changes and forwarding. The timeline can be individually adjusted by each agent; for example, the alignment (horizontal, vertical) and sorting (normal, reverse) can be set.

With the timeline, agents get an overview of the most important events (e.g. status and owner changes) directly when opening the ticket, instead of having to spend time reading through the history of the ticket or getting an overview through the articles first.

You have various options for configuring the module in the background. It can be switched on and off at will via the system configuration. In addition, you can define which article types should be shown or hidden, e.g. incoming and outgoing e-mails can be removed from the timeline.


The AddOn " TimeLine AddOn" is for ((OTRS)) Community Edition 5 and the Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6 available.


purchase price

199,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 6.0.0 - 06.06.2018

  • Initial port to OTRS6

## Version 6.0.1 - 01.10.2018

  • Added TicketZoom/TimeLine.pm

## Version 6.0.2 - 04.04.2022

  • Compability check for Znuny 6.3

Ticket FAQ Browser

The "Ticket FAQ Browser" AddOn adds a "Mini-FAQ" widget to the sidebar of the Ticket View. This allows you to search all categories and subcategories of the FAQ for articles directly in the Ticket View. When a new ticket is called up, the "Mini-FAQ" uses the article subject and text to find relevant articles from the FAQ and offers them to the agent for reading. This saves the agent a tedious search of the entire FAQ.
When clicking on a FAQ article, a small pop-up opens, in which the symptom of the FAQ article is explained. You have the option of opening the FAQ article in a new window or sending the customer an e-mail directly, in which the symptom, the problem and the solution are noted.
Again, every agent saves valuable time, as the solution can be presented directly to the customer.


The AddOn "Ticket FAQ Browser " is for ((OTRS)) Community Edition 5 and the Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6 available.


purchase price

199,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 6.0.6 - 18.01.2022

  • Fixed apostrophe insert into JS

## Version 6.0.7 - 20.06.2022

  • Improved documentation

## Version 7.0.0 - 17.05.2023

  • Migration to Znuny 7

Advanced FAQ AddOn

With the Advanced FAQ AddOn we offer a revision of the public FAQ explorer. The design of the Advanced FAQ module is modern and fully customizable. You can configure your own greeting text with a company logo and company colors. For each created category an separate picture can be uploaded via the admin interface. The Advanced FAQ AddOn has a dynamic structure and also offers support for mobile devices.

Since it is a public FAQ in most cases, the applicable laws and regulations should still be followed. For this purpose, additional texts and links to the imprint and privacy policy can be added to the AddOn.


The "Advanced FAQ AddOn" AddOn is available for Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6


purchase price

599,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 5.1.0 - 08.07.2019

  • Fully configurable. Display of main categories and additional subcategories

## Version 6.0.0 - 10.07.2019

  • Migration to Version 6

## Version 6.0.1 - 01.03.2023

  • Fixed some small mistakes

Planning Board

The entire organizational and resource planning of a company can be integrated into your Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition. From the administration of individual appointments to fleet management, everything is possible. Separate calendars for agents or objects are created, which are then used to manage all appointments.

A big advantage of the planning board is the creation and management of categories. You can create any number of categories, each with its own name and colour coding. This way, appointments in the planning board are highlighted and differentiated by colour. For example, you can see at a glance whether an appointment is taking place at the customer's or at your company. Categories can also be configured so that agents are automatically set as out of office when an appointment is scheduled.

It is not only useful to create calendars for people; fleet or room management can also be done via the planning board. Calendars are simply created for individual cars in the vehicle fleet or specific conference rooms; ideally also in a separate category. As soon as agents invite these objects to appointments, they are displayed as booked for the corresponding period.

The planning board can also be integrated with external mail servers. If agents maintain their own calendars, appointments created in the planning board are automatically transferred to them. So you always keep the overview in your personal calendars!

If an agent replies to the appointment, e.g. to accept it, the status in the planning board is automatically updated accordingly. So you can see at a glance whether the appointment is pending, accepted or rejected.

You have a wide range of options to adapt the planning board to your own needs. For example, you can choose the colors of the calendars and the colors of holidays or weekends.

Of course, there is also a fully integrated permission management, so that calendars can only be unlocked for certain people (groups). Thus, for example, appointments of different departments can be separated from each other and still be maintained in a common planning board.


The "Planning Board" AddOn is available for Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition.


purchase price

599,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 6.1.21 - 23.03.2023

  • Bugfix: Removed depreciated functions

## Version 6.1.22 - 04.04.2023

  • Bugfixes: hover on appointment, Teamslink for single appointment, workaround for serial appoinment, edit single appointment, connected appointments

## Version 7.0.0 - 04.07.2023

  • Initial Migration to Znuny 7

Process GenerateADUser

Within the process management the AddOn "Process GenerateADUser" offers for the Znuny / Znuny / ((OTRS)) Community Edition the possibility to create a new user in LDAP. A transition action is used in connection with dynamic fields.

Companies that have already set up a process to add new employees to the system can thus also automate the LDAP setup. Once the data has been verified by the agents and the next steps have been initiated, the data is automatically created in the previously configured LDAP.

Your work as a system administrator is made much easier with this AddOn. After the initial configuration of the LDAP access data and directory names, the AddOn can be directly integrated into existing or new processes.

Setting up a process for adding an employee is relatively simple. First the system needs the data of the new employee; then an agent verifies that the data is correct. After sending the final data, the employee is automatically created in LDAP. The process is then completed.

This workflow also offers advantages for human resource management: The waiting time that a request to IT entails is eliminated through automation. New employees can be added to the system within a very short time.


The "Process GenerateADUser" AddOn is available for ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6


purchase price

499,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 6.0.4 - 14.11.2019

  • Adjustments for setting password and UserAccountControl

## Version 6.0.5 - 14.11.2019

  • Adjustments for PasswordLastSet

## Version 6.0.6 - 18.11.2019

  • Empty values will no longer be set

DynamicFieldAD AddOn

The AddOn "DynamicFieldAD" offers the possibility to store values in dynamic fields in the ((OTRS)) Community Edition with data from an Active Directory. The filling is done for fields of the type "single selection".
Via a direct query of the Active Directory the corresponding data is stored locally in the database of the ((OTRS)) Community Edition. If changes occur, the query can also be started manually to transfer updated values. The data is selected by a filter that can be defined in the administrative interface of the dynamic field.
For example, the AddOn makes it easier for you to save the data of all employee locations in a Dynamic Field in order to offer a location selection in the ticket process, or to select the team/department manager of all employees.


The "DynamicFieldAD" AddOn is available for ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6



purchase price

199,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 6.0.7 - 18.05.2021

  • Configurable key-value

## Version 6.2.0 - 18.05.2021

  • Adjustment for the Version for Znuny release 6.2

## Version 7.0.0 - 13.06.2023

  • Migration to Znuny 7

TextSnippets AddOn

The "TextSnippets" AddOn is an extension of the ((OTRS)) Community Edition using CK editors. A separate button in the CK Editor allows you to insert templates and attachments into the text field of the CK Editor. Unlike the normal templates, which are not available in all masks of the ((OTRS)) Community Edition, those of the "TextSnippets" AddOn can be used in all masks.

You can manage the templates of the "TextSnippets" AddOn using the templates available in the admin area, but a new template type "TextSnippets" will be added, which is then available for selection in the CK editor.

The "TextSnippets" AddOn is available for ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6



purchase price

199,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 6.2.1 - 07.01.2022

  • Added support fro CKEditor 4.16.0

## Version 6.2.2 - 19.01.2023

  • Migration to Znuny 6.4.5, Added support for CKEditor 4.17.1

## Version 7.0.0 - 10.05.2023

  • Migration to Znuny 7

ArticleEdit AddOn

Using the ArticleEdit AddOn for the ((OTRS)) Community Edition internal articles can be edited afterwards. The adjustment is done easily and comfortably via a separate mask, which is structured similar to the existing note mask. Once the changes have been saved, they are immediately visible to all agents.
The advantage of the AddOn is obvious: If important details that are relevant for the processing of the ticket arise later, the note already created can be edited quickly and easily. Even possible careless mistakes in the note can be removed quickly and easily.


The "ArticleEdit" AddOn is available for ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6



purchase price

99,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 7.0.0 - 02.08.2023

  • Migration to Znuny 7

## Version 7.0.1 - 11.04.2024

  • Fixed calculations after updating an article time to zero

## Version 7.0.2 - 23.08.2024

  • Migration to Znuny 7.1

Webform Editor

The Web Form Editor offers the possibility to create common web forms in the ((OTRS)) Community Edition. All known elements are available, such as checkboxes, input fields and regular text fields.

The created web forms can serve several purposes: For example, you can integrate a form into the onboarding process to easily enter the new employee's contact information into predefined fields. The values are then copied into dynamic fields, making it easy to retrieve the data later in the process.

The forms are configured via the admin interface. All fields can be placed pixel-exactly, which makes even complex forms possible. Where previously reports were printed and filled out by hand, these can be completely digitalized with the Webform Editor and integrated into existing processes in the ((OTRS)) Community Edition can be integrated.

If it should be necessary to print the form, you can generate a PDF with all data from the form with one click to save or print it separately without any additional configuration.

The "Webfrom Editor" AddOn is available for ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6



purchase price

249,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 6.0.20 - 10.11.2020

  • Administration and selection of several questionnaires

## Version 6.0.21 - 28.12.2021

  • Element type for customer selection

## Version 6.0.22 - 18.01.2021

  • Bugfix of element type for customer selection


The AddOn "ProcessManagementExtended" offers additional functionalities for the ProcessManagement in the ((OTRS)) Community Edition by extension of the TransitionActions as well as general extension for the ProcessManagement.

With this TransitionAction it is possible to perform simple operations like addition and subtraction with date fields. For example, a delta in days can be added to a date. The result is written as a date in a predefined dynamic field. It is also possible to define the delta in days as an integer and add or subtract it with a date from a dynamic field.

With this enhancement, the following are defined for existing TransitionActions in the ((OTRS)) Community Edition shows the possible fields that can be filled in for each TransitionAction. As soon as a TransitionAction is selected, all possible fields are added and the key is prefilled. For the values all possible values are shown as placeholders.

With this TransitionAction it is possible to execute an external script via a TransitionAction during a transition between two activities. The name of the script can be defined, as well as any arguments to be passed to the script to be executed. If the script returns a return value, it is possible to write it into a dynamic field.

With this extension it is possible to create a subticket via a TransitionAction only if a specific Dynamic Field is filled. For this purpose, the TransitionAction "TicketCreate" is extended by a parameter called "Check", in which the dynamic field to be checked is stored. Only if this field is filled, a subticket is created.

With this extension it is possible to select attachments in an activity dialog. This selection can then be used during the "TicketCreate" TransitionAction to transfer the selected attachments to a subticket. It is possible to select any number of attachments from different articles. The information about the selected attachments is stored in a dynamic field and can therefore be easily integrated into the "TicketCreate"-TransitionAction.

System requirements:

  • OTRS 6.0.x
  • Znuny LTS 6.0.x


Note: Process Management Extended module is included in the feature branch of Znuny 6.2.x.


The "ProcessManagementExtended" AddOn is available for ((OTRS)) Community Edition 6



purchase price

299,00€ p.a.*

maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

## Version 6.0.0 - 20.07.2020

  • Initial module creation

## Version 6.0.1 - 03.01.2021

  • Subaction added

## Version 6.0.2 - 18.08.2021

  • Bugfix: Empty parameter values

MiniAdmin for templates

With the help of this AddOn, a new entry "MiniAdmin" is added to the navigation menu. The MiniAdmin add-on allows agents to be partially added with administrative rights, which you can configure as you need. Initially, this entry does not contain any subordinate views or actions, these have to be configured manually by an administrator afterwards. This additional menu item can be assigned with own group permissions to allow only selected
selected agents to access this menu item and, if necessary, the individual entries below it.
grant access.


System requirements:

  • OTRS 6.0.x
  • Znuny LTS 6.0.x


The AddOn "MiniAdmin for Templates" is available for the ((OTRS)) Community Edition / Znuny LTS.



Purchase price

199,00€ p.a.*

Maintenance price

*All prices quoted are net plus statutory value-added tax in each country.

## Version 6.0.2 - 13.10.2021

  • Improvement and documentation

## Version 7.0.0 - 15.01.2024

  • Update 7