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Tip of the Month

Here you will find our monthly tips to improve your OTRS, i-doit, SNAG-View and NeDi configuration. If you need support in setting up your systems or need special adaptations, then simply contact us at +49 441 390 10 10 40 or send us an e-mail, we will be happy to advise you.

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[((OTRS)) Community Edition] Using the FAQ

For useful tips or frequently occurring problems it can be helpful to create a FAQ entry in ((OTRS)) Community Edition. This means that all agents have access to the knowledge and can process tickets more quickly. 

FAQ articles can (and should) be divided into categories. These can be mapped in a parent-child structure. You can define which agent groups are allowed to access articles within categories. The configuration can be found under "FAQ -> Categories - Administration":

Figure 1: FAQ category management

A new article is created under "FAQ -> New". A title and the corresponding category must be entered. In addition, keywords can be assigned to the article in order to find this entry more quickly later. Under "Status" you can define who is allowed to read this article. A distinction is made between three access authorizations:

    Internal (Agent): Only logged in agents can see the entry
    External (customer): Registered customers in the customer portal can also see the article
    Public (All): The article is visible for everyone without registration (<OTRS-URL>/

Symptom", "Problem", "Solution" and "Comment" can be entered in the text boxes. The boxes support the well-known editor functions (e.g. coloring, embedding images, links):

Figure 2: Create a new FAQ article

After creation, the article is available to other agents or customers. This entry can now be used for ticket processing.

Below is a short example for "Outgoing e-mail". Under "Options" you can select FAQ articles. A mask with the existing FAQ categories and the corresponding articles opens. With a large FAQ, the search can be used to find the desired article more quickly. A click on the desired result opens the corresponding article and you can choose whether the entire article, the public link or both should be inserted into the reply mask. The prefabricated answer can then be edited further.

Figure 3: Using FAQ articles as an answer

A well-structured FAQ can speed up the processing process for the agents. When the customer portal is used, the customers also benefit and in the best case a ticket is not even opened.

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Own $USERX$ macros for SNAG-View 3

Additional placeholders for the path to plugins ($USERXXX$) can be integrated very easily in SNAG-View. The following steps are necessary for this:

A new <item> entry must be created in the "resource_cfg.xml".

Note: Be careful not to change or delete existing <item> entries.

Anpassen der


Beispiel $User3$

We currently ship two predefined macros: "$USER1$ and $USER2$". After the change, the macro $USER3$ is available for the path /var/lib/nagios/libexec-customer2.

The script "/usr/bin/" is then executed, so that the configuration is saved and saved in the resource.cfg.


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By Martin Haubold

[((OTRS)) Community Edition] Postmasterfilter

With the help of the postmaster filters incoming e-mails can be processed specifically in ((OTRS)) Community Edition. One use case is ignoring automatic replies or absence notes.

In the following example configuration, the content of an automatic reply is not processed and discarded as an article.

The configuration of the postmaster filters can be found in the e-mail settings in the admin area. A new filter can be created via "Add filter".

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