SMSEagle Release 6.0

von Michael Rütten

SMSEagle Release 6.0

Version 6.0 (Released 28.05.2024)

  1. Added Signal Messenger integration (supported only on NXS Rev.4 & MHD devices)
  2. Added Email support with the ability to send SMS & email to Phonebook contacts
  3. Added MQTT protocol support
  4. Added SMPP support for sending/receiving messages (supported only on NXS Rev.3, Rev.4 & MHD devices)
  5. Web-gui: refreshed GUI buttons & menus
  6. Web-gui: added message type label (SMS/MMS/USSD) to inbox/outbox/sent items
  7. Web-gui: redesigned SMTP configuration. Now SMTP is configured in one place for all features
  8. Web-gui: added option to change language on login screen
  9. Web-gui: added option to manually download MMS attachments
  10. Web-gui: redesigned Sysinfo tab in menu Settings
  11. Web-gui: added Logs tab in Settings menu
  12. Web-gui: added Disk usage section to Sysinfo tab in Settings menu
  13. Web-gui: added option to automatically load MMS settings based on SIM carrier
  14. Web-gui: added changelog popup window after successful software update
  15. Web-gui: added pagination limits of 500 and 1000 records
  16. Web-gui: added automatic refresh after user removal
  17. Web-gui: added Export option to Contacts
  18. Web-gui: added Export All option to Contacts and Groups
  19. Web-gui: added Send Message To Selected option in Phonebook
  20. Web-gui: updated Add/Remove from/to Groups/Shifts options in Contacts
  21. Web-gui: moved Add button in Phonebook to the toolbar right above the records
  22. Web-gui: fixed bug where standard users could not delete messages
  23. Web-gui: fixed reply function to set default modem to the same one that received the message
  24. Web-gui: fixed XSS vulnerability
  25. Email2SMS: added feature to make a call (wake-up or TTS)
  26. Email2SMS: fixed sending of MMS attachments
  27. Email2SMS Poller: added feature to make a call (wake-up or TTS)
  28. Email2SMS Poller: fixed condition for sending correct message log
  29. SMS2Email: added text placeholder to customise email text
  30. SMS2Email: added option to change header language in forwarded message
  31. SMS2Email: fixed recipient field not being cleared when editing a rule
  32. SMS2Email: fixed wrong condition for attachments
  33. SMS2Email: fixed wrong hostname condition
  34. DI/DO: added feature to make a call (wake-up or TTS)
  35. APIv2: added modem information methods
  36. APIv2: added “delivered” filter for Read and Count message methods
  37. APIv2: fixed DeliveryDateTime null value not being displayed correctly
  38. APIv2: fixed broken limit parameter in Messages GET method
  39. APIv2: fixed modem_no parameter in Call Forward PATCH method
  40. Calls: increased Text-to-Speech character limit from 255 to 960
  41. Calls: Date/Time column added
  42. Cleanup folders: Call options added
  43. Cleanup folders: fixed Cleanup Folders mechanism to use send date (instead of insert date) for Outbox/Sent Items folder
  44. Failover: Settings validation added
  45. LDAP: backend optimisation and data retrieval improvements
  46. LDAP: added option to select default login method in web-gui
  47. LDAP: added option to synchronise and store LDAP contacts on the device
  48. LDAP: fixed MFA recovery code not being displayed correctly for LDAP accounts
  49. Callback URL: fixed URL validation not allowing ‘@’ and ‘:’ characters
  50. Callback URL: added 3CX integration
  51. Subscriptions: fixed messages not being sent correctly for public contacts
  52. Temperature & Humidity Sensor: fixed missing icons
  53. HA: fixed modem health check script
  54. Translation improvements
  55. Modem software: Improved hang up conditions for TTS calls
  56. Modem software: MMS handling improvements for send & receive
  57. Modem software: fixed problem with null timestamp in received GSM message
  58. Improved modem watchdog script
  59. Improved background system scripts
  60. Fixed database missing triggers on some clean databases (MHD devices only)
  61. Fixed reading modem status from modem pool