SMSEagle Release 6.0
von Michael Rütten
SMSEagle Release 6.0

Version 6.0 (Released 28.05.2024)
- Added Signal Messenger integration (supported only on NXS Rev.4 & MHD devices)
- Added Email support with the ability to send SMS & email to Phonebook contacts
- Added MQTT protocol support
- Added SMPP support for sending/receiving messages (supported only on NXS Rev.3, Rev.4 & MHD devices)
- Web-gui: refreshed GUI buttons & menus
- Web-gui: added message type label (SMS/MMS/USSD) to inbox/outbox/sent items
- Web-gui: redesigned SMTP configuration. Now SMTP is configured in one place for all features
- Web-gui: added option to change language on login screen
- Web-gui: added option to manually download MMS attachments
- Web-gui: redesigned Sysinfo tab in menu Settings
- Web-gui: added Logs tab in Settings menu
- Web-gui: added Disk usage section to Sysinfo tab in Settings menu
- Web-gui: added option to automatically load MMS settings based on SIM carrier
- Web-gui: added changelog popup window after successful software update
- Web-gui: added pagination limits of 500 and 1000 records
- Web-gui: added automatic refresh after user removal
- Web-gui: added Export option to Contacts
- Web-gui: added Export All option to Contacts and Groups
- Web-gui: added Send Message To Selected option in Phonebook
- Web-gui: updated Add/Remove from/to Groups/Shifts options in Contacts
- Web-gui: moved Add button in Phonebook to the toolbar right above the records
- Web-gui: fixed bug where standard users could not delete messages
- Web-gui: fixed reply function to set default modem to the same one that received the message
- Web-gui: fixed XSS vulnerability
- Email2SMS: added feature to make a call (wake-up or TTS)
- Email2SMS: fixed sending of MMS attachments
- Email2SMS Poller: added feature to make a call (wake-up or TTS)
- Email2SMS Poller: fixed condition for sending correct message log
- SMS2Email: added text placeholder to customise email text
- SMS2Email: added option to change header language in forwarded message
- SMS2Email: fixed recipient field not being cleared when editing a rule
- SMS2Email: fixed wrong condition for attachments
- SMS2Email: fixed wrong hostname condition
- DI/DO: added feature to make a call (wake-up or TTS)
- APIv2: added modem information methods
- APIv2: added “delivered” filter for Read and Count message methods
- APIv2: fixed DeliveryDateTime null value not being displayed correctly
- APIv2: fixed broken limit parameter in Messages GET method
- APIv2: fixed modem_no parameter in Call Forward PATCH method
- Calls: increased Text-to-Speech character limit from 255 to 960
- Calls: Date/Time column added
- Cleanup folders: Call options added
- Cleanup folders: fixed Cleanup Folders mechanism to use send date (instead of insert date) for Outbox/Sent Items folder
- Failover: Settings validation added
- LDAP: backend optimisation and data retrieval improvements
- LDAP: added option to select default login method in web-gui
- LDAP: added option to synchronise and store LDAP contacts on the device
- LDAP: fixed MFA recovery code not being displayed correctly for LDAP accounts
- Callback URL: fixed URL validation not allowing ‘@’ and ‘:’ characters
- Callback URL: added 3CX integration
- Subscriptions: fixed messages not being sent correctly for public contacts
- Temperature & Humidity Sensor: fixed missing icons
- HA: fixed modem health check script
- Translation improvements
- Modem software: Improved hang up conditions for TTS calls
- Modem software: MMS handling improvements for send & receive
- Modem software: fixed problem with null timestamp in received GSM message
- Improved modem watchdog script
- Improved background system scripts
- Fixed database missing triggers on some clean databases (MHD devices only)
- Fixed reading modem status from modem pool