Alle Neuigkeiten rund um die Sector Nord AG
Sector Nord AG News
SNAG-View 4.3.0
von Michael Rütten

# SV4 4.3.0 Release Notes
Release date: 2025-01-15
## Performance-Graph-Dashboards for detail views
- #1953 Copy perfgraph configuration
- #1950 Implement Perfgraph-Dashboards
- #1946 Gather available metrics without sensor or device
## Features
- #1897 Add feature to convert a device to a devicetemplate
- #1235 Make showing timestamps as "x mins ago" configurable
## Improvements
- #1588 Show a message after license change, if automations, etc have been disabled
- #1846 Delete availableMetrics if command of sensor is changed
- #1974 Focus the first input-field of modals and the search-field of the overview when they are shown
- #1850 It should be possible to define device sensor at the device (and not at the sensor)
- #1050 Display images for devices in SNAG-View 4
- #1991 Application of templates should be restructured in the assistant
- #2082 Focus first input field in forms
- #2066 Add scheduled time planning block to issue templates
## Bugs
- #2129 Mails are also sent at times that are not defined in the time period
- #2063 Remove "License" from Help dropdown in sidebar
- #2101 Can not install telegraf in path with spaces
- #2126 Long metric field names overflow in perfgraph form
- #2121 Password for telegraf remote user is stored in plain text in table telegraftemplate
- #2052 Refresh interval resets execution config
- #2106 Tags missing in mass change for all objects except images
- #2100 Can't update user settings of external user
- #2102 User could not be created: name contains invalid characters "_"
## Internal
- #2092 Centralize AnyTime etc. helper functions for tests
- #2018 Add API tests for objects
- #2064 Add new vue dev-tools to repository
- #1663 Rework API Tests for Cypress
- #2017 Fix docker environment for automated tests