Alle Neuigkeiten rund um die Sector Nord AG
Sector Nord AG News
SNAG-View 4.2.0
von Jannis Raasch

# SV4 4.2.0 Release Notes
## Performance-Graph-Dashboards for detail views
* [ bug ] #1954 All tag combinations are combined into one single line
* [improvement] #1624 Copy with wildcards
* [improvement] #1949 Redesign Perfgraph-Widget-Form
## Improvements
* #1927 Refresh counter should count down instead of up
* #1934 Switch repository check to required list
* #2004 Missing "create"-Button in device detail-view's sensor tab
* #1983 Starting SNAG-View should be create the tmp folder if not exist
* #1932 Add copy button to token toast
* #1898 Display sensors per telegraf in sector view as fill meter
* #1988 Insert license via --license flag
## Bugs
* #2096 When installing Telegraf on Windows, the default path for telegraf.conf is always used for service
* #2089 Wrong parameters after saving telegraf template
* #2054 Import config fails if tmp folder in SNAG-View install folder does not exist
* #2056 Status-Widget preview does not refresh when switching to "sensor"
* #2088 Create Telegraf from template ends up in wrong parameters for created Telegraf
* #1957 Can not change device sensor for device template
* #2071 Rating is not correct evaluated if field is a float
* #2084 For unmanaged telegraf templates authentication method will be displayed in telegraf template list
* #2053 Browser creates too many requests on first load
* #2058 Frontend consumes lots of memory
* #1977 Can´t update frequency and timeout at the same time
* #1924 Diagram statusrefesh error
* #1421 Tooltip and click box is wrong if diagram is zoomed
* #1908 Objects "diagram" and "diagram template" missing in mass change
* #2031 Opening Browser from status widget does not copy widgets filter
* #1958 Option "active: true" from template will be ignored creating devices from API
* #1978 Frequency and Timeout from Sensor Template update after saving a Sensor
* #1726 Frontend should not use UTC time
* #2069 Can not change custom field of sensor
* #1976 Parameters of sensor templates disappear when creating a device with a device template
* #1972 Parameter value shouldn't be mandatory for a command parameter
* #1981 List size limit of 200 entries ignored by API
* #1990 Query for filtering device state does not work correctly
* #1760 State interpretation fails and returns unknown if more than one metric matches the interpretation filter