[Task][Application Redesign] Redesign the i-doit application [Task][Code (Internal)] Implement a way to inject menus to the administration area [Task][System tools] Add function in the administration area to clean up unfinished / deleted dialog entries [Task][CMDB] Rename “Layer-2 Network” into “Layer-2 Network Assignment” from Category Network » Port [Improvement][System settings] Option to disable validation for MAC-addresses [Improvement][System settings] New Configuration Translation [Improvement][System settings] Definition of default language [Improvement][Categories] Hide attributes from categories [Improvement][Categories] New optional field "Last Login" in category "Login" of Users/Persons [Improvement][Report-Manager] Reports can now be imported and exported [Bug][Categories] Custom Counter are not available for manual input into inventory attribute number [Bug][Categories] Error when trying to assign a new workstation on overview page [Bug][System tools] Missing preview icons for removing unfinished/archived/deleted category entries [Bug][Report-Manager] Location tree is broken [Bug][Report-Manager] Placeholder "after current date" isn't working in reports [Bug][Report-Manager] Connection endpoint not queryable in reports [Bug][Report-Manager] Checkbox in report causes error [Bug][Report-Manager] Placeholder "unequal object id" does not work correctly [Bug][Report-Manager] Operators missing for operating system>version number in report conditions [Bug][Report-Manager] Wrong output in reports of vertically assembled objects in racks [Bug][Report-Manager] Operators missing for Memory>Capacity [Bug][Report-Manager] Saving a report with operator "subcnd" does not work [Bug][Report-Manager] Wrong query when using yes/no field in conditions [Bug][Report-Manager] Operating system > version is not displayed in Report Manager [Bug][Console] Commands can not be executed in i-doit OPEN [Bug][CMDB] End of contract is not calculated automatically, when adding contract details via Forms Add-on [Bug][CMDB] Archived/Deleted objects are also displayed in assigned objects [Bug][CMDB] Settings for location path do not apply to location paths in report results [Bug][CSV Import] CSV Import via Console does not work [Bug][CSV Import] CSV Export of report inserts constant instead of entry [Bug][CSV Import] Object relations are not assigned when using automatic option [Bug][CSV Import] Contract assignment does not import correctly via CSV [Bug][Connector cabling] Editing connectors causes error [Bug][API] Changing the object type via the API is no longer possible [Bug][API] Dialog+ entries with a relation can not be set with one API request into the category [Bug][Templates] Error when creating objects from templates using a %COUNTER% [Bug][Templates] Template for persons does not take over data from the categories Persons > Person group membership, Persons > Master data [Bug][Import] CSV Import: Importing a Layer 2 Net twice creates a random Layer-3-net assignment [Bug][Import] The XML import does not create CMDB statuses [Bug][Import] Method storageModel_import missing [Bug][Code (Internal)] Updating with wrong row_size for Table isys_cats_person_list [Bug][Code (Internal)] Using a custom counter in a text field from a custom category results in a SQL error [Bug][Code (Internal)] "tenant-create" command does not check if the provided database user already exists [Bug][Code (Internal)] Performance loss by adding the OBJ_OWNER in version 1.18 [Bug][Code (Internal)] Create missing foreign key [Bug][Code (Internal)] DropDown menu of tenant selection closes on loss of focus [Bug][Authorization system] Custom Counter can be edited/created without permissions [Bug][Authorization system] Via Person group authorized parameters are not correctly displayed in the Person rights view [Bug][LDAP] Direct client forwarding with tenant_id does not work with SSO [Bug][LDAP] Tenant change via LDAP User and active SSO does not work [Bug][LDAP] LDAP-Caching mechanism does not work because of different admin password hashes [Bug][List editing] Solving software assignments via list editing generates an SQL error message [Bug][List editing] Specific category master data from organisation is not visible in list edit [Bug][List editing] Endless loading when adding new values in list edit [Bug][List editing] Applications can not be detached in list edit [Bug][List editing] SQL Error when detaching operating system in list edit [Bug][List editing] Selecting values in list-edit without creating entries first can result in errors [Bug][Mass editing] Mass change - license assignment/application is not set in software assignment [Bug][Lists] HTML from WYSIWYG fields is not displayed in object lists [Bug][Lists] Listview - Colum "object" shows archived objects in workstation [Bug][Lists] Filter for dialog+ fields in custom categories does not work for handling (API+ Import full) [Bug][Lists] SQL Error when adding attribute role to list view [Bug][Lists] Person groups>Number of members not sortable in list view [Bug][Lists] SQL-Error when filtering all fields in a Object list with Attribute Condition (General) [Bug][Lists] Filter for capacity does not work correctly [Bug][Lists] "Installed at" in Application is not displayed in list view [Bug][Lists] Double scrollbar and number of pages not visible [Bug][QR-Codes] QR-Code preview doesn't load correctly [Bug][QR-Codes] QR-Codes in preview do not match the ones in the popup [Bug][Admincenter] Uninstall Add-on leads to a HTTP 500 error [Bug][Admincenter] "No such file or directory" error when using "\" in password for the MySQL User [Bug][Check_MK] Unnecessary use Statement in isys_cmdb_dao_category_s_person.class.php creates PHP Warning [Bug][Custom categories] Administration options vanish when using apostrophes in custom categories [Bug][Custom categories] Language constant is overwritten when editing custom category field [Bug][Notifications] Notifications are only sent in the language of the cronjob user [Bug][Notifications] Report based notification is not saved when unchecking "active" [Bug][JDisc] No fallback if no standard JDisc server is configured [Bug][JDisc] Domains are not checked during JDisc import [Bug][JDisc] Address allocation is set to static when importing with mode "update" [Bug][JDisc] JDisc import always sets the DNS server and this is logged in the logbook as Internal source [Bug][CMDB settings] Using a start value for custom counters creates an empty counter in the configuration [Bug][Logbook] Create logbook entries for Persongroup assignments by the LDAP Sync [Bug][Objects] Object title duplicates "\" [Bug][Print view] Print preview displays wrong attributes [Bug][Export] Create objects via template if a user-defined category is contained there that represents a report [Bug][Search] Filter for capacity doesn't work [Bug][Dashboard] Attributes are displayed truncated in the Object information list on the dashboard [Bug][Dashboard] If e.g. sorted by the title the Object information list widget will be reset and emptied. [Bug][H-Inventory] hinventory xml import creates new cpu-cores with every import [Bug][System settings] Ping command with nmap requires super user permissions