Znuny 7.0.8
von Arthur Ritscher
Znuny 7.0.8
- Added console command to import dynamic fields and dynamic field screens configuration.
- Added SysConfig/ValueType/Entity/Webservice.pm.
- Added new type 'HTML' to AgentTicketZoom TicketMenu. This allows additional HTML elements to be added using 'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule###*'.
- Added information about invalid settings to AgentTicketZoom 'Ticket Information'.
- Added missing salutation and signature to notification for user mentions. Thanks to Paweł Bogusławski (@pboguslawski). #420
- Fixed behavior with LDAP AuthSync to reliably remove permissions.
- Fixed email address shown in user's avatar preferences when editing the preferences of another user (not the own user).
- Improved popup profiles and Frontend::RichText::Settings###Width.
- Fixed template for article details. #415
- Fixed deletion dialogs in AdminGenericAgent. Thanks to Mohd Azfar (@mo-azfar). #448
- Fixed - Incorrect display of empty HTML article body. Thanks to Paweł Bogusławski (@pboguslawski). #438
- Fixed Calendar appointment plugin AppointmentID data type. Thanks to Sector Nord AG (@LuBroering - Lukas Bröring). #308
- Fixed line breaks in processes when rich text is disabled. Used ->{BrowserRichText}. Thanks to Timotheus Pokorra (@tpokorra). #447