((OTRS)) Community Edition 6.0.28
von Andreas Gerliz

- 2020-04-08 Updated translations, thanks to all translators.
- 2020-04-07 Added more debugging information in the error log when system fails to create DateTime object.
- 2020-03-24 Fixed bug#14958 - Can't reply to an article create using Internal communication channel.
- 2020-03-19 Fixed bug#15031 - Inconsistent behavior in sending AddNote notification to "involved agent" who has no permissions on ticket queue.
- 2020-03-18 Fixed bug#14965 - Untranslated string in database charset check.
- 2020-03-17 Fixed bug#14948 - Line breaks in tag 'OTRS_APPOINTMENT_DESCRIPTION' are not replaced.
- 2020-03-13 Fixed bug#15017 - Untranslated strings in PGP status information.
- 2020-03-12 Improved download of the private and public keys and certificates (S/MIME and PGP).
- 2020-03-11 Fixed bug#14956 - Add new key/value pair to the Hash element doesn't render proper element in SysConfig.
- 2020-03-10 Fixed bug#13657 - There are "Duplicate entry" error messages for the ticket seen flag in the log.
- 2020-03-06 Fixed bug#13761 - Line breaks are not working in the long description fields in the Process management.
- 2020-03-02 Fixed bug#15005 - The service view does not work well with more than 10000 tickets. With the fix there is a limit of 20000 tickets.
- 2020-03-02 Fixed bug#14975 - Setting Event Type Filter in the ticket timeline view is applied only to the current ticket. Instead, it should be applied to all tickets.
- 2020-03-02 Fixed bug#14930 - Matching 'Frontend' setting in the ACLs causes problem when changing Type, Queue, Service or SLA. The issue occurs in combination with PossibleAdd parameter - the forbidden fields are still there (i.e. Free fields), but changes are not saved.