((OTRS)) Community Edition 6.0.6
von Andreas Gerliz

#6.0.6 2018-03-13
- 2018-03-05 Updated translations, thanks to all translators.
- 2018-03-05 Fixed bug#13713 - Dashboard widget 'Appointments' ignores user specific time zone on output.
- 2018-03-05 Fixed bug#13709 - SupportDataCollector causes Internal Server Error.
- 2018-03-05 Fixed bug#13708 - GenericInterface article EventFilter does not work with ticket data.
- 2018-03-05 Fixed Allow array as top-level-XML-Element on REST Response from remote site, thanks to Andreas Hergert (PR#1905).
- 2018-03-05 Fixed bug#13549 - Scrolling not possible for some articles on iOS Safari.
- 2018-03-01 Reduced warnings thrown by Layout object when BuildSelection is used with TreeView option.
- 2018-03-01 Fixed bug#13703 - Complex LinkObject Table broken after successful configuration.
- 2018-03-01 Fixed bug#13687 - CustomerIDRaw parameter is empty in Customer View.
- 2018-02-28 Fixed bug#13560 - SysConfig added columns for dashboard widgets can't be removed.
- 2018-02-28 Fixed bug#13692 - Support Data Collector shows wrong information in OTRS -> Database Records -> Months Between First And Last Ticket / Tickets Per Month (avg).
- 2018-02-28 Fixed bug#13670 - FilterLink has to be LinkFilter in ViewModules.
- 2018-02-28 Fixed bug#13643 - After CustomerCompanySupport is disabled the customer-user cannot be defined at several places.
- 2018-02-28 Follow-up fix for bug#13596 - "S" view in mobile browser cannot be rolled horizontally.
- 2018-02-28 Fixed bug#13706 - Empty user configuration files cause internal server error.
- 2018-02-28 Fixed bug#13701 - Error Message if attachment is 0.
- 2018-02-28 Fixed bug#13642 - Deletion of tickets not possible if automatically created appointments exist for it.
- 2018-02-28 Follow-up fix for bug#12822 - SysConfig should make better use of white space.
- 2018-02-27 Fixed bug#13698(PR#1909) - AJAX-Update missing parameter in Customer User Information Center. Thanks to Andreas Hergert.
- 2018-02-26 Fixed bug#13697 - Config ‘SystemMaintenance::TimeNotifyUpcomingMaintenance’ does not work correctly.
- 2018-02-26 Fixed bug#13463 - Updating agent data as an admin will delete user preferences.
- 2018-02-26 Fixed bug#13690 - Frontend::Module###AgentTicketEmail not hiding split target "Email ticket".
- 2018-02-23 Fixed bug#13686 - Autocomplete JS config format is wrong in Customer interface.
- 2018-02-23 Fixed bug#13669 - Agent login interface login button problem.
- 2018-02-23 Fixed bug#13610 - AgentTicketEmail take wrong Database Credentials.
- 2018-02-21 Fixed bug#13680 - SLA edit screen is not fully modern.
- 2018-02-21 Fixed bug#13676 - Column headers and tooltips are not translated, to Balazs Ur - (PR#1904).
- 2018-02-21 Fixed bug#13681 - Legacy description for NotificationEvent sysconfig.
- 2018-02-20 Fixed bug#13674 - Wording issue in Session Management screen of Admin interface, thanks to Balazs Ur - (PR#1900).
- 2018-02-20 Fixed bug#13675 - Notification transport name and label are not marked for translation , thanks to Balazs Ur - (PR#1903).
- 2018-02-16 Improved console output documentation for options that can be specified multiple times.
- 2018-02-15 Fixed bug#13644 - Attachment and text missing on some mails.
- 2018-02-14 Fixed bug#13638 - Subject Field in customer search not aligned correctly when field label above is split in 2 lines.
- 2018-02-14 Fixed bug#13593 - Current pagination number is not highlighted on the dashboard widget.
- 2018-02-14 Fixed bug#13547 - Wrong link in notification to enable cloud services.
- 2018-02-14 Fixed bug#13653 - Untranslated word "All" in system configuration search.
- 2018-02-14 Fixed bug#13635 - Broken workflow in system configuration history module.
- 2018-02-14 Fixed bug#13569 - Dynamic Fields per Template not working anymore since OTRS 6.
- 2018-02-13 Fixed bug#13585 - Follow-up: coloring issues in Ivory slim skin.
- 2018-02-09 Fixed bug#13603 - Text in Ticketheader overlaps itself when printing via browser.
- 2018-02-09 Fixed bug#13631 - Design bug in "Message of Today" text display.
- 2018-02-09 Fixed bug#13649 - Dropdown for ticket link is hidden behind appointment mask in appointment calendar.
- 2018-02-09 Fixed bug#13583 - Activation of by-default disabled Frontend::Module leads into error.
- 2018-02-09 Fixed bug#13646 - Unintuitive SysConfig setting CloudServices::Disabled.
- 2018-02-09 Fixed bug#13628 - Error message from Dev::Tools::TranslationsUpdate if certain directory does not exist.
- 2018-02-09 Fixed bug#13585 - Coloring issues in Ivory skin.
- 2018-02-09 Fixed bug#13587 - Error message when customer user does not have a first name.
- 2018-02-07 Fixed bug#13633 - "Escalated since" is always displayed as "0m" in notification of escalated tickets.
- 2018-02-07 Fixed bug#13550 - In ticket notifications to the agent, certain lines are duplicated.
- 2018-02-07 Fixed bug#13578 - Untranslated words in Support Data Collector.
- 2018-02-07 Fixed bug#13641 - Impossible to set PostmasterFilter Headers X-OTRS-IsVisibleForCustomer or X-OTRS-FollowUp-IsVisibleForCustomer to 0.
- 2018-02-07 Fixed bug#13609 - "Need TwoFactorToken!" generates error in system log.
- 2018-02-06 Fixed translation mechanism in AdminCommunicationLog, thanks to Balazs Ur (PR#1901).
- 2018-02-06 Fixed column spans in communication log screens, thanks to Balazs Ur (PR#1902).