((OTRS)) Community Edition 5.0.21
von Andreas Gerliz

#5.0.21 2017-07-18
- 2017-07-10 Updated translations, thanks to all translators.
- 2017-07-10 Fixed bug#12918 - Wrong ticket escalation solution time notification.
- 2017-07-10 Fixed bug#12930 - Dynamic field headers are not translated in Small overview.
- 2017-07-10 Fixed bug#12931 - Notification of escalated tickets is not displayed in service view.
- 2017-06-21 Fixed bug#12881 - Cache FileStorable race conditions provokes "Magic number checking on storable string failed" messages.
- 2017-07-08 Updated translations, thanks to all translators.
- 2017-07-07 Fixed bug#12671 - ACL to restrict Status based on InputFields (TicketProperties) not working as expected.
- 2017-07-07 Fixed bug#12904 - Ticket::Frontend::CustomerSearchAutoComplete used in CustomerTicketProcess but not in SysConfig available.
- 2017-07-06 Reverted fix for bug#7811 - GenericAgent Search produces inconsistent results.
- 2017-07-03 Fixed bug#12865 - Send empty Mail reply without Quote.
- 2017-07-03 Fixed bug#12891 - Article Forward creates a wrong Time Stamp in Mail View.
- 2017-06-30 Fixed bug#12883 - From parameter in URL for preallocation of customer not working if customer user name is contained in customer ID.
- 2017-06-27 Fixed bug#12108 - Kernel::System::EmailParser not fully functional in Entity-Mode.
- 2017-06-27 Fixed bug#10683 - Custom column order in dashboard gets mixed after changing the "shown tickets" value.
- 2017-06-26 Fixed bug#12560 - Search DynamicField or Condition.
- 2017-06-26 Fixed bug#9731 - Reply screen uses only email instead of full customer details.
- 2017-06-22 Fixed bug#12817 - "Reply to note" action throws popup error message in Article Time Line view.
- 2017-06-20 Fixed bug#12820 - Problem paste or upload image on CustomerTicketMessage and CustomerTicketZoom.
- 2017-06-16 Fixed bug#12892 - CreatedBy-User: No real name in overview.
- 2017-06-15 Fixed bug#12703 - dynamic list and dynamic matrix interpret agent/user Userfirstname.
- 2017-06-15 Fixed bug#12829 - Scheduler Daemon sends mail account password in plain text via E-mail.
- 2017-06-15 Follow-up fix for bug#12090 - 2 second sleep between email fetching causes bad performance on systems with high email traffic.
- 2017-06-15 Fixed bug#12885 - Customer User search shows always only one result.
- 2017-06-15 Follow-up fix for bug#11843 - Notifications tag CUSTOMER_FROM gets replaced by CUSTOMER_REALNAME.
- 2017-06-14 Fixed bug#11843 - Notifications tag CUSTOMER_FROM gets replaced by CUSTOMER_REALNAME. Thanks to S7.
- 2017-06-14 Follow-up fix for bug#11513 - Out of Office is missing in owner dropdown.
- 2017-06-14 Fixed bug#12781 - AdminCustomerCompany allows only one customer company backend.
- 2017-06-14 Fixed bug#12742 - IE 11: magnifying glass isn't visible.
- 2017-06-13 Fixed bug#12890 - Mask New Mail Ticket - signature frame require login.
- 2017-06-13 Fixed bug#12854 - ACL Editor shows wrong values.
- 2017-06-12 Fixed bug#12824 - AjaxErrorDialog visible when printing Ticket via Browser.
- 2017-06-12 Fixed bug#12808 - Wrong counting in Dashlets for "Ticket in My Queues".
- 2017-06-09 Fixed bug#12816 - GI Ticket operations require time value for Dynamic Fields of type "Date".
- 2017-06-09 Fixed bug#11212 - Validity of customer company has no impact in CIC search.
- 2017-06-08 Removed the config option 'SessionActiveTime' and use from now the 'SessionMaxIdleTime' for the session limit.
- 2017-06-08 Fixed bug#10681 - Dynamic Field Creation Default Field Order Error.
- 2017-06-07 Fixed bug#12752 - Regular expression for dynamic field also affects search.
- 2017-06-05 Fixed bug#12835 - Wrong Event in History - ProcessManagement Article Field.
- 2017-06-01 Fixed bug#12862 - Queues don't update when ACL triggers.
- 2017-06-01 Follow-up fix for bug#10691 - No CustomerID shown after TicketCreate (for unknown customers): activate new config setting PostMaster::NewTicket::AutoAssignCustomerIDForUnknownCustomers by default, restoring old default behaviour on incoming mails with unknown customers.